New York’s City Council passed major legislation this afternoon that places New York City at the forefront of municipal efforts to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. Under the umbrella of PLANYC, which outlined measures to reduce our city’s total carbon footprint 30% by 2030, the four bills are known as the “Greener, Greater Buildings Plan” and are among the most progressive adopted in the United States. Mayor Bloomberg and Speaker Quinn announced the legislation on Earth Day (April 22) of this year and their offices have worked alongside Council Members Jim Gennaro, Dan Gardonick, Domenic Recchia, Jr. and Melissa Mark-Viverito as well as many others to shepherd the bills to passage. Taken as a whole, this single suite of bills is expected to reduce the city’s carbon footprint by nearly 5%- equal to eliminating the entire carbon footprint of Oakland, California.
The legislation includes the creation of a New York City Energy Conservation Code, building performance benchmarking, lighting retrofits & tenant submetering, and audit & retro-commissioning measures.