Today, the National Assembly of Serbia adopted the new Energy Law, which should liberalize all parts of energy market in Serbia. With new law on energy, another harmonization step was accomplished in Serbia’s path to EU membership.
The law enforces the role of the state energy agency by increasing the security of supply, simplifying procedures for investments projects, increasing energy efficiency issues and encouraging investment in renewable sources of energy.
According to the new law, which will go into effect on October 1, 2012, the Energy Agency will set the price of electricity and gas, rather than the Federal government, as was the case previously.
The new energy law is hoped to spur the liberalization of the electricity market and encourage small residential consumers who are connected on grid to choose their supplier of electricity. Big consumers will be given the opportunity to choose their source of electricity starting from next year.
Additionally, the new energy law in Serbia will establish an energy exchange, infuse the decision makers with social and health characteristics of the energy produced, and encourage the export of green energy.
It is planed that the energy permits are issued for period of three years, instead of 2 years as it was the case so far. Energy licenses will be valid for 10 years, except for producers of electricity and heat energy whose license will be valid for 30 years
The energy law introduces also energy inspectors and inspectors for pressure parts and equipment for supervision of facilities for electricity production, production, transport and storage of oil and gas also. The inspection will be under the ministry in charge for energy sector.