
Poland Reviews Offshore Wind Bill

Proposed law sets out a remuneration scheme specifically for offshore wind farms.

In Poland a draft law in relation to the supply of electricity generated by offshore wind farms is undergoing consultation.

On 15 January 2020, the Ministry of State Assets submitted the offshore bill on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms for a 30-day consultation.

The regulation will provide a framework for the exploitation of wind energy in the Baltic Sea which includes a remuneration scheme specifically for renewable electricity sourced from offshore wind as well as details of how offshore wind far operators will be compensated.

The law will help to facilitate a domestic supply chain that will include companies from Poland’s maritime sector that can provide components, equipment and services for offshore wind farm development, construction and operation.

The Polish government recognises offshore wind can benefit the Polish economy and support the transition to decarbonisation.

While Poland has renewable energy legislation it is recognised that existing legislation does not address offshore wind specifically and existing renewable energy support mechanisms are not sufficient for incentivising the development of offshore wind assets.

Under current regulations, offshore wind farms would have to compete in one ‘auction basket’ with hydroelectric power, geothermal energy and biomass-generated energy.


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