The Rising Wave of Complaints and Lawsuits Against Solar Companies

Understanding the Growing Discontent Among Solar Customers and How to Protect Your Solar Business By: Jack Jacobs, Managing Partner, [...]

World Bank To Help Indian State Odisha Chart Renewable Energy Policy

The World Bank is set to provide expertise to the Indian state of Odisha to help the latter develop [...]

Bill Seeks to Speed State’s Transition to Renewable Energy in Massachusetts

A bill filed at the Massachusetts Statehouse seeks to help speed the state’s transition to renewable forms of energy. [...]

In Australia, Victoria Rooftop Solar Rebate to be Extended to Renters, if Labor Re-elected

Victoria’s Labor government has announced plans to extend its rooftop solar rebate to the state’s tens of thousands of [...]

New York and California Lead the Charge Against Climate Rule Rollbacks

New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood is preparing for battle against the Trump administration over its attempt to dismantle [...]

From California to Texas, These are the US States Leading the Way in Solar

More than 2 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic solar capacity was installed in the U.S. during the second quarter of [...]

Millions in Funding Announced for Renewable Energy Project in Mongolia

Project will supply clean electricity to around 260,000 people living in remote and less-developed towns in western Mongolia.Communities are [...]

Rules Near for Renewables on Farms and Open Space

The struggle between open space and renewable energy is playing out on Rhode Island farms. Some farmers see wind [...]

Trump Signs Bill Streamlining Permits For Hydropower Plants

President Donald Trump has signed into law a bill from a Virginia congressman that streamlines the permitting process for [...]

Puerto Rico Energy Bill: A Step Toward Renewables Or Another Scandal Waiting To Happen?

Last week, leading Puerto Rico senators introduced a major energy policy reform bill for the island, and a hearing [...]