Tag: cap and trade
California’s Cap-and-Trade Program Just Won a Major Legal Challenge
But now legislators have to figure out what’s next after 2020. California’s four-year-old cap-and-trade program, which sets a cap [...]
Canada: Ontario Provincial Cap and Trade Plan Goes into Effect
By: Marc Z. Goldgrub, Cleantech Law Partners On January 1st, 2017, the Canadian province of Ontario’s cap and trade plan went [...]
A Progressive Carbon Tax Will Fight Climate Change and Stimulate the Economy
Superstorm Sandy. Massive droughts. Devastating tornadoes. Horrific wildfires. The United States has certainly seen the dramatic weather-related effects of [...]
How Obama and Congress Could Find Common Ground on Energy
Despite divided government, the partisan impasse may be about to end on energy policy. The key lies in a [...]
California approves cap-and-trade revenue bill
California lawmakers have passed a bill that clears the way for the state to collect more than $1 billion [...]
West Virginia: House GOP to fire back at W.Va. “cap-and-trade” bill
One of the major legislative priorities for state Republican delegates this year will be the repeal of former Gov. [...]
CA: ARB passes final regulations for cap-and-trade program
After months of CEQA litigation and political lobbying, including an appeal to the California Supreme Court (previous article can [...]
AB 32 cap and trade in California on hold until 2013
Facing continued litigation, California officials will delay enforcement of the state’s carbon-trading program until 2013, state Air Resources Board [...]
Big energy states meet to discuss the future of energy policy
A group of states responsible for almost a third of the domestic energy production have joined forces to assert [...]
California bounces back after judge orders AB 32 review
California’s carbon markets have responded positively to a San Francisco judge’s ruling that ordered further analysis from the California [...]