Tag: carbon law
Australia passes carbon tax
Australia has passed carbon tax legislation. The Gillard government led by Prime Minister Julia Gillard will now implement a [...]
6 Energy policy topics for US presidential candidates
As the US heads into the process of electing its next President, many subjects and issues will be debated. [...]
US Supreme Court grants authority once again to the EPA, despite lobbyist efforts
By Donna Artusy; Cleantech Law Partners The Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. US EPA 549 U.S. 497 (2007) is once [...]
CA groundbreaking climate law put on hold
A San Francisco superior court judge has put California’s sweeping plan to curb greenhouse gas pollution on hold, saying [...]
Regulation of climate emissions heads to the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court said Monday it would consider a key global warming case over the right of US states [...]
California voters protect the state’s strong climate change law
The fight over Proposition 23, the ballot initiative to suspend California’s global warming law, “will definitely be a David [...]
EPA’s efforts to regulate CO2 challenged in court
The Obama administration’s move to curb greenhouse gases using the Environmental Protection Agency has drawn legal challenges from more [...]
New law could make Australia’s Capital Territory carbon neutral by 2060
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Labor Government said today that it will set targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions [...]