Tag: Indiana
Controversial Renewable Energy Bill Moves to Indiana Senate
When it comes to wind and solar farms, Indiana lawmakers are trying to strike a balance between property rights [...]
Indiana’s Solar Industry Has Slowed Way Down. This Bill Could Fix It, but Lawmakers Won’t Hear It.
But their proposal — Senate Bill 430 — is not expected to see the light of day. Sen. Jim Merritt, R-Indianapolis, [...]
New Indiana Solar Panel Law Takes Effect
A new Indiana law that took effect January 1st could change incentives you receive for using solar energy. Solar energy [...]
Solar Bill Passes Out of Committee in Indiana
Amendments relax restrictions on net metering, but solar advocates remain flustered Despite changes to the regulations proposed to Senate [...]
Net Metering Is Under Attack: Here’s What You Need to Know
Two states are leading a charge to undermine rooftop solar. If successful, the attack could spread to other states. [...]
Why You Need to Pay Attention to Solar Energy Legislation
The 36 solar panels point south from their perch on the roof of Cumberland First Baptist Church. At first blush, [...]
Indiana announces energy efficiency grants
Lt. Governor Becky Skillman has announced the successful applicants for the Community Conservation Challenge (CCC). The CCC program has [...]