Iowa’s Rural Future is Brighter with Solar Energy

For decades Iowans have led the nation in innovating our way to a cleaner, more reliable power grid that [...]

Unexpected Compromise on Net Metering in Iowa

Iowa utilities and clean energy groups both supported a new net metering law but now disagree on its interpretation. [...]

End of Iowa’s Wind Boom? Renewable Rules Spark Fears

Iowa, a national leader in wind energy, is weighing new rules for siting renewable energy projects — regulations that [...]

Iowa Utility and Solar Advocates Compromise on Net Metering Proposal

 A proposal, which still needs to pass in the legislature, would preserve net metering and let utilities recoup costs [...]

Iowa Tax Reform Bill Puts Solar Tax Credit on the Chopping Block

The state’s solar tax credit is set to begin phasing out next year, but a massive tax bill passed [...]

As Trump Bows Out, States Set to Fill Void on Climate Change

As President Donald Trump scales down federal efforts to combat climate change, states are ramping up. California’s Air Resources [...]

Wind Power Reaches Lofty Milestones in Iowa

With the first three quarters of 2016 now in the books, it’s time to pause and take stock of where [...]

Bill Expected to Accelerate Solar Energy Growth in Iowa

Gov. Terry Branstad on Friday signed into law HF 645, a bill that increases Iowa’s solar energy tax credits [...]

Branstad Signs Biofuels Bill into Iowa Law

Gov. Terry Branstad traveled to the POET Bio-refining facility in Coon Rapids Wednesday to sign legislation into law that [...]

Iowa tax credit approved late by legislature will help Mason City ethanol plant

A $12-million tax credit for a north central Iowa ethanol plant is almost secured, thanks to provisions in one [...]