Tag: oregon
US Plans to Add Land in Western States to Expand Solar Energy Resources
Millions of acres of federal public land in five Western states, including Idaho, could be opened up to solar [...]
Oregon Representative Introduces Bill to Develop Floating Offshore Wind
Rep. David Brock Smith, R-Ore., has introduced a bill to the Oregon Legislative Assembly calling for the development of [...]
Oregon’s Renewable Enegy Policy Woes: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continue To Rise
In 2020, Oregon’s electricity providers will be required to produce a record 20 percent of their energy from renewable [...]
West Coast Legislators Are at a Solar Crossroad
The West Coast is in a transitional period for solar policy. Washington, Oregon and California statehouses are either fresh [...]
Oregon’s Gov. Brown Signs Zero-Emissions Vehicle Target Bill
Governor Kate Brown signed a new zero-emissions vehicles target into law Monday, bringing Oregon one significant step forward toward reducing greenhouse [...]
Oregon’s Energy Future Conference 2019
Oregon’s Energy Future is the state’s signature clean energy event. Now in its 13th year, Oregon’s Energy Future connects [...]
New Rules That Would Limit Solar PV on Farmland in Oregon
Restrictions on new solar arrays being built on high-value farmland are likely on the way in Oregon, but not [...]
How Oregon’s Clean Energy Law Could Affect Power Bills
The Oregon Legislature passed a bill in February that requires public utility companies to phase out coal from their energy portfolios by 2030. [...]
Oregon Regulators Set Ambitious Timeline for Clean Energy Programs
The Oregon Public Utility Commission has released a broad timeline of energy issues it will tackle over the next [...]
Meeting Oregon’s New Energy Standard
Earlier this month, Gov. Kate Brown signed a landmark bill making Oregon the first state in the country to cut ties with coal-fired [...]