Tag: policies
Geothermal heat pump bill signed into law
CaliforniaGeo applauds Governor Brown’s recent signing of AB 2339 (Williams) Energy Geothermal Technologies, into law on September 27, 2012 [...]
California Governor signs 19 renewable energy bills
Gov. Jerry Brown signed 19 bills Thursday aimed at making it easier to provide renewable energy and conserve power [...]
What has policy brought us in California?
Government support for renewable energy is a subject of national debate. In particular, many are scrutinizing the Federal Production [...]
New Jersey Senate pushes forward solar bill
The New Jersey state legislature has pushed forward a bill designed to help rejuvenate the state’s struggling solar power [...]
Power policies needed to help promote renewable energy
Renewable energy needs help. Technological innovation has significantly reduced the cost of solar panels, wind turbines and other equipment, [...]