Tag: tariff
India: CERC Issues Draft Regulations for Determination of RE Tariff
CERC has released the draft of its 2020 regulations for tariff determination from renewable energy (RE) sources, with comments [...]
California Solar Industry and Utilities Unveil Dueling Solar-Storage Tariffs
The state will soon have special rate structures for homes and businesses that want to invest in battery-backed solar [...]
10 Significant State Policies for Distributed Solar Energy
California and New Jersey receive frequent coverage for the state policies that have helped them claim and hold onto [...]
Developers rush to be Japan’s first new renewable players
On June 18, 2012, Yukio Edano, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) accepted the recommendation of an [...]
Estonia approves law to full opening of electricity market
The Estonian Riigikogu approved on Wednesday of the amendments to the electricity market law which opens up the Estonian [...]