Tag: Texas
Texas Leads the Way in Wind Power
In 2019, wind-powered generation contributed 84,400 GWh of electricity in Texas, an 11% increase from the 75,700 GWh generated [...]
City of Houston Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity
The City is Estimated to See a $9.3 Million Reduction in its Annual Electricity Bill and an Estimated Total [...]
Texas’ Power Price Spike and Designing Markets for a Carbon-Free Grid
The Texas power market is designed to play chicken with blackouts. Is the model sustainable in a high-renewables system? [...]
As Trump Bows Out, States Set to Fill Void on Climate Change
As President Donald Trump scales down federal efforts to combat climate change, states are ramping up. California’s Air Resources [...]
Texas Should Get Its Head in the New Solar Market Game
What would a world powered by clean, low-water energy look like? If you visit Israel’s southern region, you don’t [...]
Proposed Texas State Legislation Could Change Renewable Energy
Proposed legislation could end a Texas mandate for the renewable power industry. The state of Texas leads the nation [...]
Texas Senator Seeks to Dismantle What He Helped Create: The Renewable Portfolio Standard
Sen. Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay) has filed a bill that would eliminate Texas’ Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) – a [...]
Big energy states meet to discuss the future of energy policy
A group of states responsible for almost a third of the domestic energy production have joined forces to assert [...]
Renewable energy push in Texas
A pair of state lawmakers have filed the first bills of the 2011 session aimed at keeping Texas at [...]