Clean Technology Law

Alternative energy law firm companies solve more than just environmental problems. They create the solutions that project developers implement around the world to reduce emissions, generate clean energy, increase performance, use energy more efficiently, and minimize environmental degradation.  Cleantech companies cover the full spectrum of arenas, including water, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, and of course, energy. Cleantech Law Partners was formed serve renewable energy project developers and cleantech companies. Our unique team of lawyers have broad skillset focused on this important industry.  We provide a vast array of legal services to the cleantech startups and mature companies.


  • Company organization & structuring
  • Corporate securities
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Employment contracts
  • General counsel services (“outside in-house”)
  • Forming business entities
  • Drafting articles, bylaws, operating agreements, and resolutions
  • Joint ventures and strategic alliance agreements
  • Securities offerings
  • Investment funds
  • Venture capital financing agreements
  • Technology protection and IP licensing
  • Debt financing
  • Franchising
  • International transactions
  • Commercial contracts
  • Tax planning
  • Commercial lending and banking transactions
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and requirements
  • Supply agreements

Representative matters:

  • Served as outside in-house counsel for an electric vehicle conversation company
  • Represented wind startup company developing unique turbine gear system
  • Represented artistic solar panel fixtures in financing round, tax opinions, and strategic planning
  • Represented energy efficiency company to develop innovative ESCO agreement for consumers