Maine: Governor proposes energy package

Gov. Paul LePage has delivered his promised energy plan for Maine, in the form of four bills he wants [...]

Vermont: Committee starts over on renewable power bill

Legislation that would require utilities to purchase green energy will go back to the drawing board, according the chair [...]

Bangladesh: New policy fires up solar energy business

A government policy to promote renewable energy has lured a large number of new entrants into the business, particularly [...]

CA bill explores renewable energy via traffic

L.A.’s much-loathed, incessant traffic may actually benefit society and the environment should Governor Jerry Brown pass a renewable energy [...]

California adopts new green energy laws

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed three bills into law meant to encourage the use of solar energy and other [...]

USA: SMUD push to change renewable energy law on hold until 2012

A last-minute push by Sacramento Municipal Utility District to change the state’s green energy law has been put on [...]

UK: Green energy policies could add £300 to household fuel bills

Downing Street advisers have warned that green energy policies could add £300 to annual household fuel bills, putting them [...]

Investors confused by new energy laws

The green energy law that will become effective in 10 months still has to clarify some important issues, such [...]