Malaysia: Government Aims for 40% of Primary Energy Mix to Come From Renewable Energy Sources by 2035

The government aims to ensure that 40% of the country’s primary energy mix comes from renewable energy (RE) sources [...]

Malaysia Changes Renewable Energy Goals and Export Ban Policy

The Malaysian government has lifted its ban on renewable energy exports, reached a consensus on a targeted renewable energy mix [...]

Malaysia has Renewable Energy Goals and Ambitions, but Needs a Stronger Renewable Energy Policy

Malaysia is expected to achieve only 12.1% renewable capacity by 2025 and 22.7% by 2035, moreover, by 2040 the [...]

Malaysia Aiming for 20 Percent Renewable Energy Use by 2025

The government is seeking to increase the country’s target of renewable energy generation to 20 percent in the next [...]

Malaysia Committed in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Malaysia aims to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45 percent, by [...]

MIDA Calls for Boost of Renewable Energy to Power Capacity Mix

The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida) hopes the contribution of renewable energy (RE) to the country’s electricity generation to [...]

Malaysia drafts renewable energy efficiency law

Laws are being drafted for renewable and efficient energy to be implemented by the various industries by 2014 said [...]

Borneo: Legislations for Renewable Energy Act 2011 being worked out

MIRI: Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water is now going full speed in making the necessary preparations and [...]