Vermont Statehouse 2012: A legislative preview

On Tuesday, 180 lawmakers will converge on the Statehouse after a seven month hiatus for Round 2 of the [...]

Vermont: New energy plan highlights transportation changes post-Irene

Gov. Peter Shumlin’s comprehensive energy plan includes a significant portion dedicated to improving the Vermont transportation infrastructure, calling for [...]

Vermont: Shumlin releases final, “scrubbed” version of Comprehensive Energy Plan

It’s official. Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan is final. But that’s just the beginning. With the official goal of meeting [...]

New Vermont energy plan stresses renewables

Its been more than a decade since Vermont had a comprehensive plan that lays out an energy policy for [...]

Vermont set to declare hydroeletricity a renewable energy

On Friday, Vermont Governor Jim Douglas is expected to sign into law a formal recognition of hydroelectricity from large [...]

VT senate bill finds power is renewable

Electricity from Hydro-Quebec should be considered renewable, the Vermont Senate declared in a unanimous vote Thursday night.  Senators voted [...]

Vt. house to take up renewable energy bill

The Vermont House is expected soon to take up a wide-ranging bill on renewable energy with one provision relating [...]