On Dec. 29, the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) announced it is moving forward with a modernization project at the 1,000-MW Mangla hydroelectric project to increase the facility’s generating output by 310 MW at an estimated cost of Rs 52.224 billion (US$769 million).
The Mangla hydropower project is a multipurpose facility located on the Jhelum River in Mirpur district of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It includes Mangla Dam, which is the seventh largest dam in the world; the country’s largest reservoir, which has a live storage capacity of 7.48 million acre feet; and 10 generating units.
In 2015 WAPDA sought bids for the project that included Package I, turbine-generators for Units 5 and 6, and Package II, turbine-generators for Units 1-4. Works include hydraulic turbine modeling; six new 155-MW runners; six sets of guide vanes; six new 168.75-MVa generator stators; a machine condition monitoring system; six new digital governor systems including new cabinet actuators; refurbishment/replacement of turbine, generator and governor components; six digital static excitation systems; refurbishment of turbine inlet valves; and start-up, commissioning and performance testing.
The first six turbines will each be rehabilitated and modernized to increase output by 35 MW in increments of two, in three phases: Phase 1 is scheduled for completion in December 2018; phase 2 by December 2019; and phase 3 by December 2020. According to WAPDA, refurbishment of all 10 generating units will be completed by 2024.