
Update: Senate’s Version of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” is Good News for Energy Renewables

Late on November 16, 2017, Senate Finance Committee (“SFC”) Chair Orrin Hatch released amendments to the Senate Republicans’ tax reform proposal. Similar to the original version and the first amendment (released late on November 14, 2017), the amended proposal does not include provisions concerning the PTC or the ITC. In addition, the Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit, the Credit for Producing Oil and Gas from Marginal Wells, and the New Markets Tax Credit would all remain intact. Also similar to the prior version, the SFC proposal does not address expired energy credits for qualified fuel cell and small wind energy property, qualified microturbine property, or production from advanced nuclear power facilities. Recently, however, Senator Chuck Grassley announced publicly that Senate Republicans would address certain of those expired energy credits in a separate “extenders bill” apart from the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” at the end of the year.


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